This time with a happy little story. You probably all know Rodney by now. He was admitted to the centre way back in September 2008 following a bad road accident and was subsequently put up for adoption when his carers decided they didn't want him back!
Well guess what? He has found a loving home with a family from Delhi who have a holiday home here in Goa. Although they do not live there permanently they have a caretaker who looks after the place and who will also look after Rodney when the family are in Delhi.
Volunteer Helen was there when the new family came to pick up Rodney and she made sure that he was taken good care of on the journey. Rodney didn't much like the trip apparently because he was sick in Helen's lap on the way! She laughed about it when she came back though. She said Rodney soon decided he liked his new home and all things point towards him settling in nicely.

Love from me.